About PintabianBiz

PintabianBiz is a living document that is updated periodically.  It consists of information and resources provided by members of the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. (PHRI) to assist and support others.

Members in good standing are invited to share their knowledge and expertise.  Contributions can be made by phone, mail or use our handy PintabianBiz Contribution

As details arrive, the PintabianBiz site map is updated alphabetically to the categories listed to the left.  Definitions of various underlined words on PintabianBiz pages can be found in the
Glossary by clicking on the link. 

Visitors are invited to check back often for new and exciting information.  With the help of peers, being successful in the Pintabian horse business can now be as easy as ABC!



Content included in PintabianBiz should be used as a general guide and no responsibility is assumed as a result of its use. 

Resources provided are for informational purposes only and views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the PHRI. 

In cases where world wide web addresses are not part of or controlled by PintabianBiz, their own privacy and use policies apply.

The word Pintabian is a mark of the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. which has consistently promoted the Pintabian horse and the Pintabian horse industry for more than twenty-five years. 

A Pintabian horse is an equine member of the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. and will have a Colored Division Certificate of Registration issued by the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. 

Any horse being represented as a Pintabian horse that is not eligible for registration in the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. is counterfeit and is being fraudulently imitated

ALWAYS inspect the PHRI Colored Division Certificate of Registration before purchasing or breeding to insure that the equine is, in fact, a Pintabian horse.

The Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. assumes no liablity for damages arising as the result of breeding to a counterfeit Pintabian horse or the purchase of a counterfeit Pintabian horse.

This site is a work in progress.  It contains proprietary content that is protected by law.  All rights are reserved. 

Distribution via the internet or other means is illegal and punishable by law.  No portion may be transferred, reproduced or stored in any form without the express written permission of the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc. (PHRI). 

Information contained herein should not replace the services of trained professionals and visitors should consult with their own advisors.






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